
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

iMovies in full swing

We've now uploaded all of our footage into iMovie and all of our pictures into iPhoto. We'll be using music from and other similar sites to avoid copyright issues. Students were given an introduction to the basic layout/features of iMovie and then let loose. If they get stuck they are encouraged to use the tools at hand to seek out the solution.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 24 - iMovie project

This week we'll be doing A LOT of filming for the iMovie project. To streamline the storage and filing of videos and images students created one iMovie folder in Google Drive per team. They then downloaded the Google Drive app. With this app the students are able to access their cameras from inside the iMovie folder. Recording from here allows videos and pictures to be instantly saved onto the drive without having to mess with around with multiple steps/emails.

I also had the students add a Project Log to their folder and then share the folder with me. They fill out the log each day, tracking their work as they go.  I can follow along and add comments to their log as they progress.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Photoshop assignment for Thursday and Friday

For today's assignment you will be watching two videos. Watch the first one and complete the assignment (save your edited picture to your home drive as a photoshop file).

Video #1

Once you have completed the above video and assignment you can now watch the second video. This image, too, needs to be saved to your home drive.

Video #2

Keyboard shortcuts to remember:

Command+ = Zoom in
Command- = Zoom out
[ = Shrink brush
] = Enlarge brush