
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cinemagraph lesson for today


When finished with your cinemagraph open my dropbox (option+k from desktop/finder, then "dropboxes," then "middle school," then "diedrich"). RENAME IT "YOUR PERIOD YOUR NAME" and then drag it into my folder. If you do not finish you need to take a screen shot (command + shift + 3) of the work you did in Photoshop and drop that into my dropbox. "I forgot to put it in there" will not suffice as an excuse. I need to see how far you got. Do not do put your work in my dropbox and you will get no credit for classwork today.

The assignment

You'll need to go to Google Drive and find your movie. Check the box next to the file and then go to "More" at the top and click on the arrow to open the drop down menu. Choose "download" and click on "download anyway" if it says it cannot scan for viruses. Once your movie is on your computer double click on it to open it in Quicktime. If it opens and you see Quicktime, then you can watch the video below to create your cinemagraph. You can either watch it first and then work, or work along with it as you go. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

iMovie premiers and HW ALERT for Cinemagraphs

Welcome back! Today is iMovie premier week. Looking forward to sharing the students' work with their classmates.

There is a HW assignment due this week. Record 20-30 seconds of quality video and upload it onto your Google drive. Key items to remember: Motion you are looking to isolate must be repetitive. Camera must be completely still! Attempting to do this holding it will cause issues. Secondly, the motion you are looking to isolate cannot have other moving things/people in the foreground or background. This will also cause issues. My suggestion is to take two or three videos of different scenes. Then you'll have options in case one or more doesn't quite work.

Here are a few samples of cinemagraphs I made.

Friday, March 7, 2014

iMovies due next Friday

I've been impressed with the tools and techniques students have discovered in working with iMovie. From voiceovers to cutaways, the students have made remarkable strides in their technical abilities as editors. I've also appreciated how students have sought out one another to collaborate with in sharing images/video. Very creative films!