
Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 18 - Scratch projects

This week we will squeeze in our summative assessment for Typing Club, while we continue to work on our Scratch projects.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Looking to make your project better?

Follow some of the tips from this link and you'll see a difference in your project:

This link has sounds, backgrounds, and sprites for you to download. Make sure and credit the creator.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 17 - Scratch projects

I couldn't be more pleased with the overall work that I am witnessing for this project. This is not an easy task with roadblocks as numerous as potholes on the streets of New Orleans (I lived there; love the place, but WOW are the streets bad). The critical thinking component of the task is ever present as students are responsible for creating a concept and then writing the code to make it happen on the computer. At every moment they are needing to predict, analyze, identify issues, seek solutions, and solve problems.

What's been most exciting is hearing the kids come to class and say, "I worked on my project all night!" – and it wasn't because it is due that day.  It's because they're enjoying building and creating. I'm looking forward to sharing their work when the quarter comes to an end in January.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Week 16 - Scratch Projects

This week we are officially starting our Scratch projects. Students are allowed to create any type of project they wish with the following conditions: it must be school appropriate, and the work involved in creating it must be mirror the amount of time we are allocating to the project (5 weeks). Students should challenge themselves to do a project that will require them to search for answers that they do not have. All sources of code must be credited in the projects notes.

Here is a great link to some code tutorials: 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This week the students will be taking a quiz on Scratch. They will be allowed to use the internet as a resource as I am a firm believer that being able to find the answer is just as valuable as knowing the answer.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Week thirteen and fourteen (Nov. 11 - Nov. 22)

Last week the students were introduced to Scratch programming. We covered scripts: move, glide, wait, repeat, and explored coordinates, sprites, and deleting. This week we will continue to delve into the program looking at rotation, position, background, costumes, and how to shrink and enlarge a sprite. To demonstrate these, I put together a quick little program. You can see it here by clicking on the following link:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Scratch starts today

Starting Scratch programming today. Can't wait to see where everyone takes this. 

Week twelve and thirteen (Nov 4. - Nov. 15)

Last week we were introduced to to create bibliographies and took a quiz on Photoshop techniques. This week we will be starting our Scratch project. Each day, I will be going through some of the basic scripts as the kids familiarize themselves with the Scratch layout and process. Looking forward to seeing some creative projects soon.

Retaking the quiz?

As mentioned in class, if you would like to retake the quiz you must do so by the end of this week. Please see me to schedukle something. After this week, your original quiz grade stands.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bibliographies for history project

Today and tomorrow we will be working with to create citations for the sixth grade history project bibliographies. This handy website takes most of the hard work (that I remember from school) out of completing a bibliography by accurately listing sources regardless of its type. With a few details the site orders, spaces, italicizes, quotes, and indents citations with ease.

QUIZ over Photoshop techniques

Reminder that there will be a quiz over the Photoshop techniques covered in the CD project. The Photoshop tutorials on my Youtube channel go over everything you will need to know. "A" day will be on Friday. "B" day will be on Monday.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week eleven and twelve (Oct 29. - Nov. 8)

We've finished up our CD covers and will be doing a one day tutorial on this week for history class. We will also be taking a quiz over the Photoshop techniques covered. Included in this will be creating a new file with set dimensions, using gradient fills and the gradient editor, using the free-transform tool, and zooming in and out. I've added a shortcut to my Youtube tutorials to the right with regard to these techniques. Feel free to visit them as needed.

Slide show of advisory song cd covers

MisterDiedrich's  album on Photobucket

Monday, October 28, 2013

Week ten and eleven (Oct. 22 - Nov. 1)

We are cruising right along with our CD cover project and should be done by early next week. (Be on the lookout for the slide show of numerous covers soon). Here's a sample of one, created by Braxton. To create this, he started with a square transparent canvas and then used a gradient fill to paint the background. The text was made at and then imported into Photoshop. He used the transform tool to adjust the size, as well as rotate the words. The image of the fist was found through a Google SafeSearch using advanced search filters specifying the size and usage rights ("free to use and share").

I've also started to add video tutorials to my Youtube website. ( These will be used to flip the classroom, review for quizzes, or for reference during class in case a student has forgotten a certain technique.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week nine and ten (Oct. 15 - 26)

Last week we finished up the quarter by completing a Google form survey on the Mo Ranch trip. The overwhelming favorite for the students was the Big Gulp (as evidenced by the poll to the right too). We also spent some class time working on SSR projects for advisory.

Quarter number two starts this week and with that comes keyboarding. We'll be using a free Google app called Typing Club that will be linked to the students' school email account. It's a great program that feeds off of the Angry Birds frenzy by using a similar level/scoring system. Students earn points and 1, 2, or 3 stars for each level.  They can go back and do any level over and over again to improve their number of stars or score.  I am requiring students to get at least two stars to move on, but I am encouraging them to get three before going forward. We will be doing this every class period for the first 10-15 minutes all quarter long.  The focus: use the correct finger positioning repetitively to facilitate muscle memory.

We will also be starting our CD cover project. This will take use back to Photoshop to build on the introduction we had at the beginning of the year.  This go around we'll be learning about gradient fills, marquee tools, transformation techniques, filters, and more. After we have completed our cover art, we'll then add a QR code that will link to the songs the students have made.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"YOMO" created by Evelyn with GarageBand

This song was created using GarageBand by Evelyn for Mrs. Murphy's advisory.  Their team name is #YOMOSWAG - You Only Murph Once. I love the clever way she used effects and repetition on her voice, and the string section compliments the backing beat perfectly. Click on the play button on the bar below to listen to "YOMO."

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week eight and nine (Oct. 7 - Oct. 18)

We're back! What an incredible trip to Mo Ranch we shared with the students. I, for one, am so thankful that I work for a school that values the importance of trips like this to strengthen relationships and challenge students to step outside of their comfort zones. I know it must have been hard not being there, but I was able to take a fair amount of photos and would like to share them with you. (I apologize if most are of my advisory, but I was with them the majority of the time.)

By clicking on the following link you will be able to view them at your convenience.Mo Ranch Pictures

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week seven and eight (Sept. 30 - Oct. 11)

We have finished up our songs and are ready to head for Mo Ranch. When we return we'll be creating CD covers for our singles using Photoshop. Below is a sample. If you click on the audio bar below the CD you can hear the "unofficial" Mo Ranch song featuring Ms. Sutherland.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Week six and seven (Sept. 24 - Oct. 4)

Last week we began our GarageBand unit with an introduction to the basic layout and functions of the program. Heads were bobbing and grooving as the students began laying down loops for their tracks. Each day, more features were demonstrated - including the following:

    • Solo a track
    • Mute a track
    • Split a loop
    • Record your voice
    • Volume control
    • Cycle a segment
    • Copy and Paste
    • Use “track info button” to add effects to a track

Week 7
This week we are adding vocals to the songs and fine tuning our hits. We will wrap up production this Friday and I'll be sharing a few songs in next week's blog.

Augmented Reality at the Lego store in the Galleria

The Lego store has an augmented reality station in its Galleria store. If you hold up a box to the camera it makes the set come to life. We'll be doing a unit on this later on in the year where we make our own images come to life.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Introduction to GarageBand

Week five and six (Sept. 17 - Sept. 28)

Last week we finished our Google Docs unit. It was so nice hearing students talk about how the night before they had been working on an English assignment and decided to open up a Google Doc to utilize the chat and comment features to work in real-time with one another. Taking what we learn in technology and applying to other content areas - I couldn't be happier. (I've included a sample of the work completed below. Camila did an OUTSTANDING job!) On Thursday and Friday, the unit culminated with a quiz over the collaborative features utilized during the project. The majority of the students did extremely well; but for those who did not, they have the chance to redeem themselves with a make-up quiz this week. The two grades will then be averaged together.

Getting to Youtube

1. Make your video
2. Go to Safari or Chrome
3. At the top you will see a long bar, type the words “ “
4.It will then take you to a new page, you should see videos on there.
5.Login to your YouTube account
a. if you don’t have one simply go to sign in. You will then see a button saying Create An Account. Then, fill in all of the information required to make you account
6.  When you are in your account, you will see your home screen
7. On the top right corner of the screen is a blue button with the word “ Upload “, simply click on
8. It will then take you to a different page.
9. When in the new page, you will see a big box in the center of the page, and 4 little ones on the side.
a. The big box should be a large box with a white arrow inside of it
b. The boxes on the side should have
B1. a webcam
B2. a few photos
B3. a speech bubble with quotation marks inside
B4. a pair of scissors

a. b1.   b2.  b3.b4.

Uploading Your Video

10. Then open your files
a. the steps to opening your file depends on the type of computer you have
11. Before you upload your video make sure it is on the right privacy setting, it should  
     look like this
11. Then you drag the video to, a. in # 9 , the big box in the center.
     You can also simply press the button and it will open them up
13. At the top of the page there will be a link next to your video
14. Then highlight it
15. Later, press “command” and the “c” key
12. Then, fill in the information provided and press save

Making Your QR Code

15. Then, go up to the long bar at the top of the screen, as shown in #3 , and type in the words “ ’’ .
16. You will see a page that is light blue that might seem complicated yet it is not.
17. Scroll down to the middle of the page where you see…
14. Under the number 1 there are many little circles with options next to them, such as:
15. Pick the 2nd one, or the one that says Youtube Video
16. Then, go to the # 2 and put your cursor on the little bar
17. Then, press “ command ’’ and “ v ‘’
18. Later go to the # 3 and pick the color you want


19. Then, there will be a picture of what your QR code will look like, under that you will see a button which says “Download QR Code “
20. After downloading a picture of your QR Code, it will pop up. You can then duplicate,  or move to your desktop and so on.

Week 6
This week we are starting our GarageBand unit. We will tie this into the Mo Ranch trip by giving the students the objective of composing a team song for their advisory group. Students, who choose to do so, may submit their song to be voted on by their advisory classmates. The songs chosen by each advisory will then be burned to a Mo Ranch CD and unveiled on the trip.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Back to School Night

Thanks to everyone who made it out for Back to School Night. If you were not able to make it, here is a link to the video I made for the presentation.

The Bowtie Means Business

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week four and five (Sep 9 - Sep. 20)

Last week the students finished their Word of Mouth projects. The walls outside of the classroom are now wallpapered with selfies and dotted with QR codes. If you happen to swing by, feel free to use your scanner app to hear the kids introduce themselves and describe some of the things they love about Kinkaid.

On Wednesday, I introduced Google Docs to the students and its collaborative features. During a demonstration in one class, I opened a document that I had been working on with Mr. Jordan and he just so happened to be using the document at the same time. I started up a chat with with him and the next thing the kids knew, Mr. Jordan was making changes to the text up on the board right before their eyes. "How can he do that?!" one exclaimed.  We then opened a document together where we all worked simultaneously adding comments, chatting, responding to comments, and finally resolving flagged areas of text.

This week will be a busy week as the students will take their new-found knowledge and create a tutorial for the Word of Mouth project. This project is two-fold in that it helps me assess their understanding of the prior work they just completed, while giving them a chance to practice and demonstrate the collaborative features of Google Docs. Built into this project is also a HW assignment. One of the features of Google Docs is the ability to be anywhere in the world and be able to work in real-time with another person or group on a single document. To best illustrate this the students are being asked to spend five minutes at home working on their document with their partner.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sample of finished Word of Mouth Project

Week three and four (Sep 3 - Sep 13)

Last week was a very productive week in technology. The students filmed their introductions using smart phones and emailed the files to their school Gmail accounts. They then learned how to upload their files to YouTube and alter the privacy settings. Using the website, the students then created unique QR codes for their video url and then imported the QR code into Photoshop. There, they learned how to "select all" and then move the selected object to another file (their original self picture that included the smart phone box and text).

Week 4 - This week

This week we will be making any final adjustments on the Word of Mouth project and printing out the finished product. For the students who choose to do so (and have received parental permission to alter their YouTube privacy setting for this project to "unlisted"), we will be posting them around the middle school for all to enjoy. A sample of the finished project can be viewed above.

We will then be turning our attention to Google Drive and some of its user-friendly features. Students will be given an overview of Google Docs and will be ask to collaborate with a another student on a Google Doc that will tie in with the last project. The quiz over Google Docs that was scheduled for this week has been pushed back to the end of next week.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

YouTube privacy

There have been some questions about YouTube and how the students' privacy will be protected there. I thought I'd take a minute and address these concerns for everyone.

The students will have a YouTube account in conjunction with their school Gmail account. They will use their school email to log in but will choose a random screen name that will not identify them. The account will be used to post videos for projects that we are doing in class. There are three privacy levels on YouTube: public, unlisted, and private. We will be using private listings, meaning the video may only be seen by someone who has been sent a direct link from the owner of the video. If we do need to use a "public" or "unlisted" setting for a project, we will secure parental permission before doing so.

If you have any further questions about this, feel free to contact me. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week two and three

The first three days of school went off without a hitch. We took care of some important housekeeping items: acceptable use policy, usernames, passwords, Veracross introduction, and for students on "A" days, the syllabus and technology survey. If you haven't done so, make sure and electronically sign the syllabus that was emailed home.

Last week we jumped into our first project, Word of Mouth. If you Google 'word of mouth,' one of the first hits you'll receive is from Wikipedia. Their definition is: the passing of information from person to person via oral communication. For our purposes, we will be passing information from person to person orally - but this will be technology's version.

The first step in this process required that the students take a self picture using Photo Booth. This picture was saved to their 'home' drive and then later uploaded into Photoshop. Once in Photoshop, students were taught how to change the image size, use the shape tool, add text, and manipulate the opacity of a layer.

Week 3 - this week

Coming back from a restful three-day weekend students will move to the video portion of this project. Using smart phones, students will film a short video outlining some of their likes, hobbies, and what they love most about Kinkaid. This will then be uploaded to Youtube through the student's school account.

The students will then generate a QR code that will link the video to their picture making it come alive right before their eyes - and yours.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

8/22-8/30 - Welcome!

Welcome to the sixth grade technology blog - your source for what is, was, and will be happening in our classroom. To receive email notifications of blog updates please fill in your email address in the space to the right under "Follow by Email." You will also notice tabs above for each class (a drop down menu if you are viewing on a smart phone). We will be using these pages to post videos and pictures specific to each class.

Here at Kinkaid, there is a wave of new students and faces in sixth grade. Getting to know someone by first name is of utmost importance; this connection is the basis for establishing a personal relationship with students, friends, and colleagues. With so many new faces and names this can be a daunting task, so I will teach the students a fun little game using alliteration and repetition that will enable the class to learn everyone's name very quickly. I was excited to run across an episode of Brain Games this summer where they explained the science behind why games like this actually work. Here's a link to the clip:

After an introduction to Veracross where you and your child can access schedules, grades, and assignments, we will be going over the syllabus and Computer Use Policy. A digital copy of the syllabus will then be emailed home. Please take the time to read over this and the Computer Use Policy in the Student Handbook. At the bottom of the form you and your child will need to electronically sign and then submit the form.

Our first project, "Word of Mouth," will build upon having learned each other's names by giving the students a chance to share a bit more about themselves. Using QR codes, Photo Booth, Photoshop, and YouTube, students will create interactive posters of themselves that share their likes, hobbies, and why they love Kinkaid (if they are new, they will share what excites them about being new to Kinkaid). If you don't have an app that scans QR codes you may want to get one - there are tons of free ones - as this will enable you to see for yourself the final product.

We'll then transition into an overview of Google Drive and its many features. Using their Kinkaid Google email account, students will be able to collaborate with classmates, receive feedback on assignments electronically, create a blog, post videos for assignments to Youtube, and much more.

So excited to be here and share my passion for technology with your children! Here we go...