
Monday, September 9, 2013

Week three and four (Sep 3 - Sep 13)

Last week was a very productive week in technology. The students filmed their introductions using smart phones and emailed the files to their school Gmail accounts. They then learned how to upload their files to YouTube and alter the privacy settings. Using the website, the students then created unique QR codes for their video url and then imported the QR code into Photoshop. There, they learned how to "select all" and then move the selected object to another file (their original self picture that included the smart phone box and text).

Week 4 - This week

This week we will be making any final adjustments on the Word of Mouth project and printing out the finished product. For the students who choose to do so (and have received parental permission to alter their YouTube privacy setting for this project to "unlisted"), we will be posting them around the middle school for all to enjoy. A sample of the finished project can be viewed above.

We will then be turning our attention to Google Drive and some of its user-friendly features. Students will be given an overview of Google Docs and will be ask to collaborate with a another student on a Google Doc that will tie in with the last project. The quiz over Google Docs that was scheduled for this week has been pushed back to the end of next week.

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